ocr: E Netrape - Unetled Document OX E Edi Yew 6o Coomais opaone Rreclory wndow Bebp Hone Reload uptn Pint Find Locshone MMDOMXMSUNINPSORKOONS Bright Blue Cola Co. HigHt a Aflash ofbrighe blue on the horion. What could it be? Ibee mestrefrestenzjuge gjegley new taste in the irst second ur third wertd, #'snew Bright Blue Cola. Mere than just another cola, it's got awild and uneapected celor- Bright Blue. Not only ir # kke no other cola youve ever tasted # got ecitng new ngredentt that add brbance not to the color, but to your: mandi Godou Rola, Gtrko, Ginseng - exobc acave mnergnng ingredentt to cie ...